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Interior Design: ... Classic Modern style home remodel

San Diego Interior Designer Rebecca Robeson saved the installation and design reveal of what she considers her most beautifully designed project of 2011 to upload on Christmas Eve 2011... It's her gift to you, the people who follow robesondesign on a regular basis... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYYxOVe1nj4 "I feel like I try to give inspiring ideas and transferable tips throughout the year on ways my viewers can improve their own personal spaces ....no matter what their budget." TODAY, it's Christmas... forget the Design on a budget projects... lets enjoy living a life of luxury for just a moment... Be happy for those who can... and live vicariously even for a moment.... See the clients reactions and walk step by step through the design process to the final reveal of this Extreme Home Makeover.